Sunday, January 23, 2011

And we finally have a diagnosis

After months of waiting, horrible evil painful testing I have discovered what's wrong. When the huge city bus smacked my poor little wimpy rental car, I threw out my arm to save the computer. What can I say I'm used to having kids in the front seat. Anyway, besides a possible case of whiplash I popped my shoulder out of joint. I now have to go get it shoved back in three times a week. I will not go into my creative vocabulary the first time that innocent looking doctor tried to kill me. Let's just say I'm not a writer for nothing. I became fluent in about three languages that don't yet exist.
For the scary and life changing new, my computer time is officially restricted as it puts pressure on the wounded shoulder. Sniff, sniff guess I'll have to start drinking more to even things out :)
That's it for now as I've come close to my limit for today. However before I go a couple of announcements. #1 Teasing Trinity, the 4th book in Club Botticelli series, will be on sale 4/18/11. I'm working on Recee's book, but she's being mean...imagine that.
#2 Poseidon's Fortune, book two in the Poseidon brother's series, has been through the first round of edits. Hopefully, I'll have a release date for you soon. #3 The Wedding Belles series I wrote with Cerise Deland & Desiree Holt is coming to its wonderful conclusion in Something Blue. I hope you enjoy this last story as much as the three of us enjoyed writing it.

Until my next recess


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