Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day & how to say thanks.

I am very blessed to have a great father in my life. My dad has been there from day one, supporting, encouraging, and challenging me every day since. I can still remember sitting on the sidewalk in front of my childhood home waiting for my Daddy. Every day he'd act surprised to see me, thrilled to find a grimy girl and her faithful dog waiting sneakily (or so she thought). I get hugs, kisses and a piece of gum. No better present for a child. Sweet memories that can still make me tear up.

Years later I still think of my father as a hero. He's stood by me, even carried me through some of the worst moments of my life. Whenever I needed encouragement he kicked me in the butt. He's a man of strong honor and unbending values. I lucked out in the parent jackpot. I'm just thrilled I didn't get his ears or feet :)

That's not to say we didn't have a more than our share of fights and nasty words, but through it all I never doubted my father's love.
Unfortunately my Dad had to travel for work. Not just a night or two, we're talking months even years at a time. So my poor Mom was stuck raising my not so sane brother, sister and my perfect self.

We didn't have the conventional family life, but somehow my parents made it work for us. So to say thanks to my father I'd take him out to a fancy dinner, or buy the biggest card in the world, but none of that would mean much to him. My Dad would rather fire up the grill and have his family spend time with him. Laughing, screaming, crying and complaining so long as we're together my Dad's thankful.

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